All gave some, some gave all. Honoring Kern County’s fallen Service Members.
Featured Fallen Hero
The Fallen
The Memorial Gallery features the portraits of the post 9/11 warriors from Kern County who were killed in action or died as a result of wounds suffered on the battlefield. There is no more honorable way to recognize those who paid the ultimate price on our behalf. At this unique gallery, they are forever etched in the history and memories of a grateful community and nation.
Our mission is to honor the fallen by recognizing their sacrifice made in service to their nation.
The Gallery
The purpose of the Portrait of a Warrior Gallery is to keep our memories of Kern Counties Fallen Heroes vibrantly alive through portrait display, biographies, education and ever-evolving exhibits. The Gallery is in a continuous state of transformation to accommodate the healing of our Veteran population and to educate the communities within Kern County. We will never allow the memories of our Fallen Heroes to fade.

The Gallery features a Vietnam Veteran Memorial Room picturing the photographs of our local Vietnam fallen & memorabilia from local veterans.

In the Hall of Honor there are 22 black crosses, representing the 22 veteran & active duty suicides that occur every day. The statistics outlined on the wall are both staggering and emotional.

The Resource Room for veterans includes extensive information pertaining to health & mental health assistance, veteran services, veteran based recreational activities throughout the state, and so forth.
Additional Exhibits
The Gallery also features a Team Room which emulates what living conditions were like in Iraq & Afghanistan for our Service Members; The Education Room is a unique space for a variety of veteran organizations to hold meetings, conduct Q&A sessions with veterans for school field trips to learn about the cost of freedom.